Now that you have some credits, you can choose which fighters you would like to use to enter a match.

Step 1 - Enter the Fight

Click on the FIGHT button from the homepage or the top nav

Step 2 - Register your Fighters

Registering multiple fighters will save you time as you will only need to sign one transaction.

There are no refund after you register a fighter. Once a fighter is registered, it will stay registered to the wallet until it is played in a match. We are not responsible if a registered fighter is transferred before it is played in a match. The registered fighter will still appear if the fighter is transferred back to the wallet that registered it.

It recommended that you register only the fighter you are certain you will play a match with.

Step 3 - Sign your Transaction

After clicking REGISTER FIGHTERS, you'll be promoted to sign a transaction.

Step 4 - Select the Match Type

Your fighters are registered, congratulations! Now you're ready to start a match. You can choose either: 1) TOURNAMENT A tournament match consists of 3 brackets (for this alpha phase). You must defeat the opponent in each bracket to win the tournament. For example, if you start off with an Amateur Kargo and face a Champion Macknz in the last bracket, you must beat Mackz to win the tournament. 2) SINGLE MATCH Play a single match against an opponent (PVE).

There are no leaderboards for tournaments in this phase of the release as it's primary goal is to give users a feel for how it works. Although you can win tournaments as reflected in the stats, these stats will reset once prizes become active for tournaments. Fighters in tournaments may also be played in Single Matches. They are not locked to playing tournaments only.

Step 5 - Playing a Match

You're now starting the match.

It is highly recommended to read the quick instructions first before playing a match.

#1: Specifies whether you're attacking or defending. #2: The cards you were dealt and can play. #3: This RPS graphic shows the type of cards that can be used to defend an attack. #4: Options to turn off the animation, sfx, and RPS graphic. Instructions page link out. #5: The fighter on the left is your card, the fighter on the right is your opponent.

Step 6 - Winning Popup Screen

Last updated