*Please note that all values are subject to change and may be adjusted depending on real world data collected during the first phase of the game. *Jan 31, 2022

FightLand Scholarships.

How to Qualify

Users who own at least 5 promoters and 50 fighters can unlock scholarship programs and become a manager.

What it Cost to Unlock Scholarships

What is a Scholarship Program

  • share a percentage of what is collected

  • set a NFT prize

  • set a specific number of any WAX tokens you have as a prize.

How will the program work?

As the manager, you’ll also have the option of setting requirements for the scholar. For example, you can have a requirement that the scholar must have completed at least 30-40 matches in training camp mode and minimum percentage win. Training camp mode is open to all scholars to practice and will not require owning any FightLand NFTs to play.

This can work in conjunction with the AutoPilot Recruit a Fighter feature.

Unlock Multiple Scholarships

Last updated